Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mickey this ain't - part 2

*After exhaustively spraying Ridsect behind, towards and even at the TV set and Karaoke CPU, I decide to call it quits and blame Khairi.*

Me: It's all your fault! Why didn't you see it crawling out from the TV room! You had to keep your eyes on the TV set!

Khairi: We both had our eyes glued to the TV set, genius.

Me: (sighs). Dang it. I guess he tricked us this time. I hope he ran out and found an exit somewhere. If he's built a nest somewhere in the house, he'll definitely return.

*The next day, after consulting Daddy, I go to the hardware shop to buy a mousetrap and rat glue.*


Proud to be Malaysian? LOL

I am really not sure about the wisdom of using "Malaysia" as a brandname for rat glue.

*Conclusion: After being advised by the hardware shop guy to use anchovies as the bait for the trap, I set it up and wait 'till pre-dawn breakfast (today)...*

Aha! Houston, we have a visitor!

Cute little fella.

A camwhore, too.

Me: So...uh, how should I dispose of it?

Mom: I don't know.

Me and Khairi: Decapitate it!

Mom: 1) It's messy. 2) And how do you propose to do that? Tell it to stand still while you chop its head off, Dr Dolittle?

Me: Point taken. Ooh, what about boiling water! The traditional method!

Kak Nani (our domestic helper): If you're going to kill it, please don't do it in front of me!

Me: Spoilsport. What about we bash it in with a stick?

Mom: Again, the fella won't sit still for you to do that. And again, IT'S MESSY!

Me: Fine. I'll curl it up into a ball and throw it at the bitchy neighbour who lives in front of us.

Mom: You will not! Do the right thing, release it in the park!

Me: Yeah! And let it go crawl into someone else's house! Yeah!

Khairi: Yeah! I just want to watch That 70's Show. You go ahead.

*Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mouse to release!* Erm...Did I just say that out loud?

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