My heart goes out to Miss Marilou C. Pingol, who was savagely attacked by a group of 15 Mat Rempit (news article after the jump). Now, I won't go into details about my feelings for Mat Rempit (They should be drawn and quartered, then RE-DRAWN AND RE-QUARTERED), but while reading this piece of news and reading about the tragic Winnenden, Germany school shooting by Tim Kretschmer (, I had an idea. Well, not an idea but more a thought for reflection. While people snapping and going on murderous rampages is not a good thing, wouldn't it be great if guys like Kretschmer could release their fury by going on a rampage to kill off Mat Rempit instead? I mean, let's be honest. Do people really shed tears when a Mat Rempit dies? A mom would probably shed tears about the fact that her son is a Mat Rempit druggie, but it turns to tears of relief when the moron dies a quick death, brain splattered all over the pavement, thanks to a civic-minded car driver who ran over him when the Mat Rempit beat the red light. But anyways, yeah. In a perfect world, guys like Tim Kretschmer would be paid and even be praised to go after the Mat Rempit. He wouldn't feel guilty, 'cos he'd be doing a good thing by helping us eliminate Mat Rempit, and society wouldn't look at him as a psycho, but a good guy doing community service. I don't bat an eyelid when a Mat Rempit dies. Tim probably wouldn't, and so should you.
PETALING JAYA: Marilou C. Pingol has been targeted by robbers thrice in the past five months, leaving her traumatised and terrified.
Her latest encounter was with a group of 15 Mat Rempit in Kelana Jaya on Tuesday morning.
Not content with hitting her twice on the head with a metal pipe, causing her to almost lose consciousness, her heartless attackers then held on to her hands and dragged her about 2m along the rough road.
The 38-year-old Filipino, a market researcher who commutes daily on the LRT to her workplace in Kuala Lumpur, recalled the horrible incident while recuperating at her aunt’s home in Jalan SS5C, Kelana Jaya, yesterday.
“I was walking to the nearby Kelana Jaya LRT station at around 6am on Tuesday with my cousin when a group of 15 people on 10 motorcycles suddenly pulled up in front of us near SS4C and demanded that I hand over my handbag.
“Five of them pulled my cousin a short distance away and threatened him with three parangs, while the remaining Mat Rempit circled me,” said Marilou, who has lived and worked in Malaysia for 10 years.
She pleaded with the Mat Rempit not to harm them and said they could take her handbag but asked to be allowed to keep her passport.
They agreed but as she was searching her handbag, one of them hit her twice on the head with a metal pipe, leaving her dizzy and semi-conscious.
She added that her attackers then rode off but stopped five metres away and turned back.
“Two pillion riders grabbed my hands and dragged me on the road for about two metres, shredding my pants around the knees and buttocks,” she said.
Her cousin, Ronald Rocutar, 38, could only watch helplessly in horror as she screamed in pain.
Unable to get transport to rush her to hospital, Ronald called his nephew and they carried the bloodied Marilou to the nearby Kelana Jaya police station to lodge a report before taking her to a nearby dental clinic where her aunt works as a nurse to dress the wounds.
“I am now terrified to walk to the LRT station, even though the road is lit and with another person accompanying me. The criminals are becoming more daring and heartless,” said Marilou, who has deep abrasions on her knees and can’t walk for the time being.
She added that in November last year, her handbag was almost snatched right in front of her house and, on Dec 31, she was forced to hand over her handbag at knife-point.
Whatever it is, I urge everyone, please, we have to band together to stop the Mat Rempit menace. Screw the "I don't wanna get involved" mentality, do you REALLY want to only take action once a family member, loved one or friend has fallen victim to or died at the hands of these morons? For the sake of our own safety, we have to band together and TAKE THE MATTER INTO OUR OWN HANDS. Viva vigilantism! And stop being such a pussy, if you kill a Mat Rempit (whether intentionally or not), any lawyer or judge will accept a self-defence plea. Plus, a Mat Rempit can't afford to hire a lawyer, and the public aren't stupid, they would definitely support a vigilante who takes action rather than a Mat Rempit sampah masyarakat (society's trash) druggie!