Thursday, February 26, 2009
Today's Mistake
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Today's Britney Spears Award Goes to:
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Ever Notice? (The call button on MAS airplanes)

in order to get the stewardess to give a new sucker to the baby (because the current ones were not doing the job well enough). I was seated on the seat furthest from the window (the third one from the window), and it dawned on me that MAS planes have their call buttons so far up the ceiling that you would have to stand up, struggle and lean in an awkward way just to reach it. I don't think I'm that tall, but I'm not exactly Danny Devito, either. Anyway, I don't know if it's done on purpose, but all I'll say is that having the button s high up (I was sitting in economy class) was probably meant to annoy you. 'Cos if you really think about it, having to stand up and struggle to push the button is almost the same as getting up from your seat and walking towards the stewardess. So, the next time I want a drink or some service from the stewardess, I'll just stick to the old-fashioned "IS THAT A BOMB IN YOUR SHOE, MATE?!". Gets them rushing over every single time...
Update: Finally received the cheque (see previous post)! I don't know if POS Malaysia takes the term "snail mail" more literally than I do, but what I CAN tell you is that cheque was sent out on the 17th, POS Malaysia received it (or rather, started processing it) on the 19th and I received it today, on the 24th. Considering that the company who mailed me the cheque is in Puchong, they could have walked from their office to my house in Kota Damansara and probably arrive before the cheque does. What say you, POS Malaysia? Last I checked, they were still mailing a reply to me...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Today's Mistake: Pos Malaysia
Friday, February 20, 2009
Today's Mistakes
Red FM's "Big Red Hard One" question: "What is light as a feather, but no man can hold it for long?"
Answers (mistakes) heard:
a) Your bladder
b) Snow
c) Air
d) Your ego
e) Hair
Of course, the correct answer is "Your breath", which I would have called in and answered had I not made the mistake of not paying attention when the the Red announcers gave out the telephone number to call. Oh, but then again calling in while driving would have been a mistake too, wouldn't it, Officer? *stares at hobo adjacent to him in lock-up*
Bonus: Mistake spotted in Seri Pacific KL (wish I had taken a picture, my mistake!) - posted in the elevator for "Xuang Xi" chinese restaurant:
Try our delicious beancard.
Today's mistake
bonus: second mistake - tried to sleep in room without switching the air-cond on. Didn't get much sleep, instead felt hot and bothered.